Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Not So Grave Encounters (Practice First Year Trailer)

Choice of Trailer Type

I and my group have decided to focus on creating a psychological horror trailer with elements of a gory horror. We, as a group, have also decided to focus on a highlights trailer rather than a scene trailer; this is because we felt that a highlights trailer would be more intense, and promote the genres within our trailer. We also wanted to include a jump scare at the end of the trailer to heighten the suspense and draw the audience into watching the entire film. A trailer that we have been inspired by when making this decision is the trailer for Sinister (2012), we liked how it displayed the narrative of the film, whilst making it tense and scary. We also liked the jump scare at the end of the trailer.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Cold Blood: In what way does your media product use, develop, or challenge the forms and conventions of real-life media products?

Cold Blood Poster

This is the poster made to promote my horror trailer Cold Blood, I have a dominant image on the front cover, this is to pull the viewer in and provoke them to watch the film. I have stuck to the same colour scheme as I used on my magazine cover; this was so that when people look at both of the products, as well as the trailer itself, they can see a relation between all three products. The colour scheme also reflects the genre's that are present in the film, therefore the viewer will get an idea of what the film will contain before watching it.

Aversion Magazine Cover

This is the final edit for my magazine cover. I have decided to call it Aversion because I wanted my magazine to be called something that related to a dislike of something, or a word relating to the horror genre. I settled on Aversion as I felt that the word was short, but to the point. I have used a colour scheme that would reflect the genre's that appear in my horror trailer Cold Blood. I have used the colour green to represent how the sci-fi genre is seen within my horror trailer through the concept of the lizard and the way in which a human transforms into a lizard-like creature. I have subtly used the colour red on my magazine cover to reflect that it is primarily a horror trailer; red connotes blood, and blood links to the genre of horror. I have used a black background to give my magazine cover a sense of mysteriousness; the viewer can not see what is behind the model. Also, the black background allows the viewer to focus primarily on the model, rather than some sort of background image. The use of black also connotes a sense of seriousness. I have included four lots of sub-headings on my magazine cover, I didn't want to add anymore than four because I thought that it would look too 'busy'; also, I didn't want the attention to be taken away from the main image. The advertisement of the free posters draws the viewer into buying the magazine. I have added a quote from one of the students that helped to make Cold Blood, to make the magazine look more authentic; and also, when I was researching magazine covers in preparation for the production of my own, I found that the majority of the film magazines had a quote from one of the people that either helped to make the film, or saw the first screening of the film. 

Overall, I think that my magazine cover is successful in what it is selling, and also looks authentic, The use of a colour scheme made my poster look less busy, and focuses on what genre/s the film is promoting.